In May we received news from The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) that a grant proposal we had submitted a few years ago had been funded. We immediately got to work, walking the campus, measuring and meeting with FTPF's program manager and arborist - planning our dream orchard, learning about what would grow well in our climate and sharing our wish list. A few short weeks later, a week into summer break, FTPF's incredible team arrived in Sacramento, traveling from New York and Arizona, followed by a large delivery truck full of trees from a local nursery - 60 in all!

The following day the FTPF team returned to Camellia and were greeted by 60 of our most awesome and eager volunteers. The team led us in a tree planting demonstration, going over the dos and don'ts of tree planting. Following the demonstration, volunteers planted 17 berry bushes along the back fence of the school and 15 semi-dwarf fruiting trees throughout campus. We also gave away 45 trees to our incredible tree planting volunteers!
These beautiful trees will be loved and cared for, offering students of all ages an opportunity to observe how fruit grows, the chance to harvest and cook with the fruit, a future of wonderful cool shade and something to one day climb.

This wonderful project was a fruitful partnership made possible by our friends at the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, Arbor Day Foundation and Target - thank you!
