Camellia (K-8) and Sacramento Waldorf School (9-12) alumnus Henry Meier is now the Editor of the Los Angeles Business Journal. Previously he was a veteran reporter at the Los Angeles Daily Journal. His articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.
Henry says, "Camellia instilled in me a lifelong love of reading, writing, and storytelling. The imaginative curriculum made these exercises something to savor instead of a chore. I give Camellia a world of credit for helping build a strong foundation of skills that I continue to use today in my professional life."

To be fully prepared for their future in the knowledge economy, it is essential that children be exceptional communicators in diverse situations. Camellia Waldorf School’s educational approach successfully prepares students for high school, college, and beyond, giving them the communication and critical-thinking skills they need to flourish in the knowledge economy.
THE FACTS: Camellia middle school students have college-level reading and writing (language arts) standardized test results.
Each spring our 8th grade students take the national TerraNova Test, a national standardized exam that measures achievement in a number of areas. The 8th grade class average in reading is at the college freshman level (91%) in measures of oral comprehension, basic understanding, analyzing text, evaluating meaning, reading, and writing strategies.
In writing, the 8th grade class average is at the college freshman level (90%) in measures of sentence structure, writing strategies, and editing skills. These scores mean our students are performing comparably to how a college freshman would perform on the same test. Scores are for the past three years combined.