Annual Fund Drive
Annual Fund Drive
What is the Annual Fund Drive?
It is one of our school's most important fundraisers and provides vital support for our operating budget. The Annual Fund allows us to set tuition at a level that is affordable for as many families as possible and, in part, contributes to our Affordable Tuition Program designed to maintain economic diversity. If we did not fundraise, tuition would be more expensive for everyone. Camellia Waldorf School is among the most diverse and least expensive independent Waldorf schools in North America.
How are the funds used?
The Annual Fund raises money for the school's general fund. It helps pay for teachers' salaries, mortgage payments, electricity, art supplies and physical education equipment. Funds in excess of our goal could be used for campus improvements.
The "gap gift" this year is approximately $1060. What is this?
The amount is the difference between what it actually costs to educate one child at the school and the cost of full tuition for one child. We ask our community to consider giving a tax-deductible gap gift to the Annual Fund. Our Goal of 100% Participation.
When 100% of our parents, staff, faculty and board members contribute to the Annual Fund, we send a powerful message to the broader community and potential grant funders that our school has broad support. Give generously. Give as you are able. All community members, friends, and supporters are invited to participate.
With your contribution, our children will flourish in receiving another year of an extraordinary Waldorf education, and our school will continue to develop, making it our own.
"The Waldorf education my children received at Camellia was the best preparation they could've had for life. My older daughter is thriving now in college and my youngest is in high school. Please join me in contributing to the Annual Fund to support Camellia’s rich educational programs and help make them accessible to more families by keeping tuition affordable."
-- Deniz Tuncer, Alumni arent and Camellia Waldorf School Board Member