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Admissions & Enrollment

At Camellia Waldorf School, we believe education transforms lives. That’s why we invite you to review the information below and start the admissions process with us today. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

2024-2025 Annual Tuition


2 Days: $$4,695 - Thurs., Fri.

3 Days: $7,265 - Mon., Tues., Wed.
5 Days: $11,725 - Monday - Friday



Full Tuition: $12,885 - 5 Day Program


Elementary & Middle School

Full Tuition: $14,820


Sibling Discount: If full tuition is paid for the oldest child, there is a sibling discount of 25% for the second and any additional children from the same family also enrolled in the school. The sibling discount applies only to tuition, not to fees or childcare charges.


Annual tuition can be paid in full, or in monthly payments. Tuition payments begin in July 2024. The traditional School Year runs from September through June.



Admissions Process

The admissions process for new students is:


  1. Call (916) 427-5022 x 1003 or email to schedule a private tour

  2. A link to an online application will be sent by email, upon completion of an online inquiry form. This form is completed through Ravenna, our admissions, enrollment, and tuition platform. Applying families will need to set up an account.

  3. Upon completion of the application, hit submit and pay the non-refundable application fee of $75 in Ravenna.

  4. Once the application is received, the school contacts the family to schedule an interview/assessment with the child and parent(s).

  5. If the student is applying for grades 2 through 8, the child visits the class for 3–5 days.

  6. The school notifies the family of the acceptance decision

Tuition Assistance

As an independent school, we rely solely on tuition income and fundraising to meet our annual expenses. We work to keep expenses as low as possible while maintaining the quality of our educational program. We are committed to building a school whose student body reflects the ethnic, cultural and socio-economic diversity of Sacramento, and we seek families who are committed to Waldorf education for their children

  • Currently, 41% of students receive Tuition Assistance grant


  • ​We strive to ensure that our education is within reach for families from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Awards are granted to families based on their relative financial need compared to other tuition assistance applicants.

  • Students from kindergarten to 8th grade are eligible to apply. Preschool children are also eligible if they have an older sibling in the school

How to Re-Enroll

To keep the re-enrollment process simple, our families are automatically re-enrolled for the following year unless they notify the school that they will not be returning. The discounted re-enrollment fee of $375 is offered to families that complete early enrollment by February 23, 2024.


The Tuition Assistance Program Deadline is January 16, 2024.


Returning Camellia families will receive a new agreement via Ravenna, our new tuition management program.​

Enrollment Process

Camellia Waldorf School Admissions

Financial Aid Form

Apply here for financial assistance using TADS. Create an new account and choose Camellia Waldorf School

Inquire Today

Complete and submit an online inquiry form via Ravenna to begin the application process.

Overview Pamphlet

Brief overview of our programs including Parent-Toddler, Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary, Homeschool and Summer Camps.

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